=============================================================================== WD65C816 Opcode Reference 02/20/93 by Eric D. Shepherd =============================================================================== Opcode reference for assembly programming using this 16-bit microprocessor. The 65816 is a 16-bit version of the well known 6502 processor and it's available in CMOS version (65C816). It has a 100% compatible 6502 emulation mode although it's not pin compatible with the older processor. =============================================================================== Cycle Time Adjustments 16A: Add 1 if using 16-bit memory and accumulator 16B: Add 2 if using 16-bit memory and accumulator B: Add 1 if conditional branch is taken C: Add 1 if index crosses bank boundary D: Add 1 if status register's Decimal bit is set I: Add 1 if using 16-bit index registers M: Add 7 for each byte copied N: Add 1 if in native mode P: Add 1 if branch crosses page boundary in emulation mode Z: Add 1 if DP is not on a page boundary Instruction Hex Cycle Time Status Reg. Notes =============================================================================== ADC #imm 69 2 [16A,D] nv----zc Add memory to A with carry. ADC abs 6D 4 [16A,D] ADC longabs 6F 5 [16A,D] ADC dp 65 3 [16A,Z,D] ADC (dp) 72 5 [16A,Z,D] ADC [dp] 67 6 [16A,Z,D] ADC abs,X 7D 4 [16A,C,D] ADC abslong,X 7F 5 [16A,D] ADC abs,Y 79 4 [16A,C,D] ADC dp,X 75 4 [16A,Z,D] ADC (dp,X) 61 6 [16A,Z,D] ADC (dp),Y 71 5 [16A,Z,C,D] ADC [dp],Y 77 6 [16A,Z,D] ADC ofs,S 63 4 [16A,D] ADC (ofs,S),Y 73 7 [16A,D] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AND #imm 29 2 [16A] n-----z- And A with memory. AND abs 2D 4 [16A] AND abslong 2F 5 [16A] AND dp 25 3 [16A,Z] AND (dp) 32 5 [16A,Z] AND [dp] 27 6 [16A,Z] AND abs,X 3D 4 [16A,C] AND abslong,X 3F 5 [16A] AND abs,Y 39 4 [16A,C] AND dp,X 35 4 [16A,Z] AND (dp,X) 21 6 [16A,Z] AND (dp),Y 31 5 [16A,Z,C] AND [dp],Y 37 6 [16A,Z] AND ofs,S 23 4 [16A] AND (ofs,S),Y 33 7 [16A] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASL 0A 2 n-----zc Shift left memory or A. ASL abs 0E 6 [16B] ASL dp 06 5 [16B,Z] ASL abs,X 1E 7 [16B] ASL dp,X 16 6 [16B,Z] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BCC relbyte 90 2 [B,P] -------- Branch if carry clear. BCS relbyte B0 2 [B,P] -------- Branch if carry set. BEQ relbyte F0 2 [B,P] -------- Branch if equal (z=0). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BIT #imm 89 2 [16A] ------z- Test memory with bits from A. BIT abs 2C 4 [16A] nv----z- BIT dp 24 3 [16A,Z] BIT abs,X 3C 4 [16A,C] BIT dp,X 34 4 [16A,Z] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BMI relbyte 30 2 [B,P] -------- Branch if minus (n=1). BNE relbyte D0 2 [B,P] -------- Branch if not equal. BPL relbyte 10 2 [B,P] -------- Branch if positive. BRA relbyte 80 2 [P] -------- Branch always. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BRK byte 00 7 [N] ----01-- Software break BRK 00 ---101-- (sets b in emulation mode). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BRL relword 82 4 -------- Branch always long. BVC relbyte 50 2 [B,P] -------- Branch if overflow clear. BVS relbyte 70 2 [B,P] -------- Branch if overflow set. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLC 18 2 -------0 Clear carry bit. CLD D8 2 ----0--- Clear decimal bit. CLI 58 2 -----0-- Clear interrupt disable bit. CLV B8 2 -0------ Clear overflow bit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CMP #imm C9 2 [16A] n-----zc Compare A with memory. CMP abs CD 4 [16A] CMP abslong CF 5 [16A] CMP dp C5 3 [16A,Z] CMP (dp) D2 5 [16A,Z] CMP [dp] C7 6 [16A,Z] CMP abs,X DD 4 [16A,C] CMP abslong,X DF 5 [16A] CMP abs,Y D9 4 [16A,C] CMP dp,X D5 4 [16A,Z] CMP (dp,X) C1 6 [16A,Z] CMP (dp),Y D1 5 [16A,Z,C] CMP [dp],Y D7 6 [16A,Z] CMP ofs,S C3 4 [16A] CMP (ofs,S),Y D3 7 [16A] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COP byte 02 7 [N] ----01-- Coprocessor enable. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CPX #imm E0 2 [I] n-----zc Compare X with memory. CPX abs EC 4 [I] CPX dp E4 3 [I,Z] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CPY #imm C0 2 [I] n-----zc Compare Y with memory. CPY abs CC 4 [I] CPY dp C4 3 [I,Z] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEC 3A 2 n------c Decrement A or memory. DEC abs CE 6 [16B] DEC dp C6 5 [16B,Z] DEC abs,X DE 7 [16B] DEC dp,X D6 6 [16B,Z] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEX CA 2 n------c Decrement X register. DEY 88 2 n------c Decrement Y register. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EOR #imm 49 2 [16A] n------c Exclusive-OR A with memory. EOR abs 4D 4 [16A] EOR abslong 4F 5 [16A] EOR dp 45 3 [16A,Z] EOR (dp) 52 6 [16A,Z] EOR [dp] 47 6 [16A,Z] EOR abs,X 5D 4 [16A,C] EOR abslong,X 5F 5 [16A] EOR abs,Y 59 4 [16A,C] EOR dp,X 55 4 [16A,Z] EOR (dp,X) 41 5 [16A,Z] EOR (dp),Y 51 6 [16A,Z,C] EOR [dp],Y 57 4 [16A,Z] EOR ofs,S 43 4 [16A] EOR (ofs,S),Y 53 7 [16A] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INC 1A 2 n------c Increment A or memory. INC abs EE 6 [16B] INC dp E6 5 [16B,Z] INC abs,X FE 7 [16B] INC dp,X F6 6 [16B,Z] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INX E8 2 n------c Increment X register. INY C8 2 n------c Increment Y register. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JMP abs 4C 3 -------- Jump. JMP (abs) 6C 5 JMP (abs,X) 7C 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JML abslong 5C 4 -------- Jump long. JML [dp] DC 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JSL abslong 22 8 -------- Jump to subroutine long. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JSR abs 20 6 -------- Jump to subroutine. JSR (addr,X) FC 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LDA #imm A9 2 [16A] n-----z- Load accumulator with memory. LDA abs AD 4 [16A] LDA abslong AF 5 [16A] LDA dp A5 3 [16A,Z] LDA (dp) B2 5 [16A,Z] LDA [dp] A7 6 [16A,Z] LDA abs,X BD 4 [16A,C] LDA abslong,X BF 5 [16A] LDA abs,Y B9 4 [16A,C] LDA dp,X B5 4 [16A,Z] LDA (dp,X) A1 6 [16A,Z] LDA (dp),Y B1 5 [16A,Z,C] LDA [dp],Y B7 6 [16A,Z] LDA ofs,S A3 4 [16A] LDA (ofs,S),Y B3 7 [16A] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LDX #imm A2 2 [I] n-----z- Load X register with memory. LDX abs AE 4 [I] LDX dp A6 3 [I,Z] LDX abs,Y BE 4 [I,C] LDX dp,Y B6 4 [I,Z] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LDY #imm A0 2 [I] n-----z- Load Y register with memory. LDY abs AC 4 [I] LDY dp A4 3 [I] LDY abs,X BC 4 [I,C] LDY dp,X B4 4 [I,Z] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LSR 4A 2 n-----zc Logical shift A or memory right. LSR abs 4E 6 [16A] LSR dp 46 5 [16A,Z] LSR abs,X 5E 7 [16A] LSR dp,X 56 6 [16A,Z] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MVN byte,byte 54 [M] -------- Move memory negative (srcbank, destbank). MVP byte,byte 44 [M] -------- Move memory positive (srcbank, destbank). * X = source address Y = target address A = length -1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOP EA 2 -------- No operation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ORA #imm 09 2 [16A] n-----z- Or A with memory. ORA abs 0D 4 [16A] ORA abslong 0F 5 [16A] ORA dp 05 3 [16A,Z] ORA (dp) 12 5 [16A,Z] ORA [dp] 07 6 [16A,Z] ORA abs,X 1D 4 [16A,C] ORA abslong,X 1F 5 [16A] ORA abs,Y 19 4 [16A,C] ORA dp,X 15 4 [16A,Z] ORA (dp,X) 01 6 [16A,Z] ORA (dp),Y 11 5 [16A,Z,C] ORA [dp],Y 17 6 [16A,Z] ORA ofs,S 03 4 [16A] ORA (ofs,S),Y 13 7 [16A] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PEA abs F4 5 -------- Push effective absolute address. PEI (dp) D4 6 [Z] -------- Push effective indirect address. PER relword 62 6 -------- Push effective relative address. PHA 48 3 [16A] -------- Push accumulator. PHB 8B 3 -------- Push data bank register. PHD 0B 4 -------- Push direct page register. PHK 4B 3 -------- Push program bank register. PHP 08 3 -------- Push processor status register. PHX DA 3 [I] -------- Push X register. PHY 5A 3 [I] -------- Push Y register. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLA 68 4 [16A] n-----z- Pull accumulator. PLB AB 4 n-----z- Pull data bank register. PLD 2B 5 n-----z- Pull direct page register. PLP 28 4 nvmxdizc Pull processor status register. PLX FA 4 [I] n-----z- Pull X register. PLY 7A 4 [I] n-----z- Pull Y register. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REP #imm C2 3 ???????? Reset processor status register bits. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROL 2A 2 n-----zc Rotate A or memory right. ROL abs 2E 6 [16A] ROL dp 26 5 [16A,Z] ROL abs,X 3E 7 [16A] ROL dp,X 36 6 [16A,Z] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RTI 40 6 [N] ???????? Return from interrupt. RTI 40 6 ??11???? (emulation mode). RTL 6B 6 -------- Return from subroutine long. RTS 60 6 -------- Return from subroutine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SBC #imm E9 2 [16A,D] nv----zc Subtract memory from A with borrow. SBC abs ED 4 [16A,D] SBC abslong EF 5 [16A,D] SBC dp E5 3 [16A,Z,D] SBC (dp) F2 5 [16A,Z,D] SBC [dp] E7 6 [16A,Z,D] SBC abs,X FD 4 [16A,C,D] SBC abslong,X FF 5 [16A,D] SBC abs,Y F9 4 [16A,C,D] SBC dp,X F5 4 [16A,Z,D] SBC (dp,X) E1 6 [16A,Z,D] SBC (dp),Y F1 5 [16A,Z,C,D] SBC [dp],Y F7 6 [16A,Z,D] SBC ofs,S E3 4 [16A,D] SBC (ofs,S),Y F3 7 [16A,D] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEC 38 2 -------1 Set carry bit. SED F8 2 ----1--- Set decimal bit. SEI 78 2 -----1-- Set interrupt disable bit. SEP #imm E2 3 ???????? Set processor status register bits. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STA abs 8D 4 [16A] -------- Store A to memory. STA abslong 8F 5 [16A] STA dp 85 3 [16A,Z] STA (dp) 92 5 [16A,Z] STA [dp] 87 6 [16A,Z] STA abs,X 9D 5 [16A] STA abslong,X 9F 5 [16A] STA abs,Y 99 5 [16A] STA dp,X 95 4 [16A,Z] STA (dp,X) 81 6 [16A,Z] STA (dp),y 91 6 [16A,Z] STA [dp],y 97 6 [16A,Z] STA ofs,S 83 4 [16A] STA (ofs,S),Y 93 7 [16A] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STP DB 3 -------- Stop the processor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STX abs 8E 4 [I] -------- Store X register to memory. STX dp 86 3 [I,Z] STX dp,Y 96 4 [I,Z] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STY abs 8C 4 [I] -------- Store Y register to memory. STY dp 84 3 [I,Z] STY dp,X 94 4 [I,Z] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STZ abs 9C 4 [16A] -------- Store zero to memory. STZ dp 64 3 [16A,Z] STZ abs,X 9E 5 [16A] STZ dp,X 74 4 [16A,Z] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TAX AA 2 n-----z- Transfer A to X register. TAY A8 2 n-----z- Transfer A to Y register. TCD 5B 2 n-----z- Transfer 16-bit A to direct page register. TCS 1B 2 -------- Transfer A to stack pointer. TDC 7B 2 n-----z- Transfer direct page register to A. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRB addr 1C 6 [16B] ------z- Test and reset bits against A. TRB dp 14 5 [16B,Z] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TSB addr 0C 6 [16B] ------z- Test and set bits against A. TSB dp 04 5 [16B,Z] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TSC 3B 2 n-----z- Transfer stack pointer to A. TSX BA 2 n-----z- Transfer stack pointer to X register. TXA 8A 2 n-----z- Transfer X register to A. TXS 9A 2 -------- Transfer X register to stack pointer. TXY 9B 2 n-----z- Transfer X register to Y register. TYA 98 2 n-----z- Transfer Y register to A. TYX BB 2 n-----z- Transfer Y register to X register. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WAI CB 3 -------- Wait for interrupt. WDM 42 ? -------- Reserved (currently NOP). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XBA EB 3 n-----z- Exchange the B and A accumulators. XCE FB 2 --??---- Exchange carry and emulation bits. * Append this file to the end of your Shell:SysHelp file. * If you find an error, email me at: * Internet: uerics@mcl.mcl.ucsb.edu * AOL: Sheppy Top Download Tell a friend Bookmark and Share Similar Articles 6502 Microprocessor A guide to 6502 processor assembly (by Commodore) 6502 Undocumented Opcodes Hidden features for 6502 CPU assembly (by Freddy Offenga) Assembly In One Step A brief guide to programming the 6502 (by RTK) Engineering Design 6502 Execution Simulator Documents about 6502 processor (by M.J.Malone) Tags: 65816, 6502 webmaster jes writers rguru, tech-g, aiguru, drAx site optimized for IE7.0/Firefox with 1024x768 resolution Valid HTML 4.01 Transitional ALL TRADEMARKS ® ARE PROPERTY OF LEGITTIMATE OWNERS. © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. hosting&web - www.accademia3.it trace grossocactus find rguru on http://www.twitter.com/sicurezza3/ ... send an email ... Your name Destination email Message captcha! 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